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最佳伙扮 Young & Fabulous

$22.90  Inc GST

Also available on Bluray

Release Date: 13 April 2017
Director: Michael Woo 胡鹤译 & Joyce Lee 李慧娴
Rating: PG: Some Coarse Language
Language: Mandarin & English
Subtitle: Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, English
Format: DVD 9
Cast: Gurmit Singh 葛米星, Henry Thia 程旭辉, Quan Yi Fong 权怡凤, Aloysius Pang 冯伟衷, Joshua Tan陈伟恩, Joyce Chu 四叶草, Jeffrey Xu徐鸣杰, Jordan Ng 黄俊铨, Benjamin Kheng 金文明, Narelle Kheng 金颂旖, Jonathan Chua 蔡坚信 & Sandra Tang 邓威威
Sound: 5.1 Surround
Aspect Ratio: 1:2.35
Duration: 107Mins
Special Feature: Teaser, Trailer, MV, Behind The Scenes


YOUNG & FABULOUS is a coming-of-age story of a group of teenage friends—Royston, Violet, and Hao Ren—who strive against all challenges and obstacles to pursue their dreams. On their journey of self-discovery, they also learn the meaning of friendship, the different perspectives in parent-child and teacher-student relationships, and ultimately the need to have the courage to stand up for what they believe in.

Bonded through a fondness for cosplay, the three friends help each other out academically and empower each other to become better individuals.

In this competitive era with an education system that focuses on academic excellence, how will the younger generation find courage and confidence and hold on to their dreams and hopes in a society that values practicality over creativity?

一部描写三个青少年朋友景天, 紫宁和郝仁的成长故事,叙述他们如何通过重重挑战和难关,披荆斩棘追逐梦想。过程中,他们认识了自己,体会到友谊的真谛,了解到如何处理与父母和老师之间的关系,以及如何鼓起勇气,捍卫自己一直坚持的信念。通过角色扮演这个长辈看来非常无聊的活动,三个朋友互相辅助学习,在彼此的帮助下,克服了各自的障碍。


现今社会竞争尤其激烈, 年轻的一代将如何在这个重视现实胜过创意思维的大环境下逆流而上,一路怀抱着梦想与希望寻找勇气和自信,闯出属于自己的一片天?

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  • Model: SF3155
  • Shipping Weight: 90grams

This product was added to our catalog on Friday 31 March, 2017.

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