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Release Date: 29 June 2012
Director: Roy Chow Hin Yeung 周显扬
Rating: PG13: Some Violence and Coarse Language
Language: Japanese
Subtitle: English and Simplified Chinese subtitles
Format: DVD
Cast: Nick Cheung 张家辉, Simon Yam 任达华
Sound: Dolby Digital, DTS Digital Surround
Aspect Ratio: 1:2.35
Duration: 107 minutes
Special Features: Trailer, Making Of

When a Hong Kong celebrity is found brutally murdered, his body floating in the middle of the ocean, hardheaded detective Lam (Simon Yam) is called in to take charge of the investigation. As Lam zeroes in on a killer from the past, the murder appears to be a straightforward case of revenge. But the more that Lam pursues his suspect Wang (Nick Cheung), the deeper he falls into a web of lies. To find the truth, Lam must dig into a 20 year-old case for answers, the one link tying the suspect to the celebrity. But in doing so, Lam will uncover a dark secret so shocking, it will turn the investigation upside down. Who is the victim and who is the killer? Just as Lam believes he has everything figured out, he will discover that there’s a fine line between love and hate.

二十年前因奸杀少女依芸入狱,重犯王远阳(张家辉 饰)在狱中历经凌辱,变成性格怪异、人见人惧的哑巴杀手。刚刚出狱的他,又卷入了一场惨绝人寰的命案之中:中英混血指挥家徐翰林被发现抛尸海边荒野,容貌尽毁遍体鳞伤,而徐翰林正是少女依芸的父亲。外号怒汉的警探林正忠(任达华 饰)一心查出真相,出狱后一直跟踪徐翰林幼女徐雪(文咏珊 饰)的王远阳,自然成为最大的嫌疑人,一场全港大追捕全面展开,然而,真相才刚刚开始被揭开……

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