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My Neighbour Totoro

$19.90  Inc GST

Release Date: Jul 24, 2009
Director: Hayao Miyazaki
Format: DVD 9
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
Sound: Audio 1: Japanese Dolby Digital 2.0, Audio 2: Mandarin Dolby Digital 2.0, Audio 3: English Dolby Digital 2.0
Subtitles: English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese
Duration: 86mins.
Special Feature: -
*No tin box edition available.

To live nearer to their mother, who is recuperating from an illness in a hospital, little Mei and her elder sister Satsuki are moving with their father to a house in the country. Playing in the yard one day, Mei spots a tiny creature and follows it into the hollow of a hugh tree. There she discovers Totoro, a giant, furry creature the size of a small house, fast asleep. Totoro and his friends cannot be seen by adults, but only by the children who love them. Mei and Satsuki fly with Totoro on a warm summer night, plant a giant tree that grows in minutes and sit high in its branches. The girls also call on Totoro for help when they are in trouble.

为方便探望患上怪病须留院医治的母亲,一对小姐妹草子、次子与父亲移居郊外。一次在屋后玩耍时,次子巧遇上一只小怪物,几经追截至一个大树洞中,才发现一只毛茸茸的贪睡动物 - 龙猫。原来只有天真可爱的小孩子才能看得见它,成年人是看不到它。两个小姐妹从此与龙猫打成一片... 龙猫带她们飞越夜空,种植几分钟便长成的巨型大树,爬在树干上乘凉,而每当遇上困难,龙猫便是她们的救星...

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